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Festival in Honor of Great Admiral Yi Sun-shin

2014.01.02(목) 12:51:55 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr



Festival in Honor of Great Admiral Yi Sun-shin

▲Festival in Honor of Great Admiral Yi Sun-shin.

The city of Asan hosts the yearly festival around the date of birth of Admiral Yi Sun-shin, to honor his patriotism and his great achievements of saving the nation at crisis.

Initially started as 'Onyang Cultural Festival' in 1961, it was renamed 'Onyang-Asan Cultural Festival' in 1992, and again 'Onyang Cultural Festival' in 1998. In 2004, when it became a government-designated culture and tourism festival, it was redesigned with educational features, under the new name 'Asan Seong-ung Yi Sun-shin Festival'.

Marking the 52nd anniversary, the festival was held from April 26 to 28 this year in the square of Onyang Oncheon train station and in different locations in downtown Asan. With some 50,000 visitors from home and abroad, it turned out to be a great success.

Under the slogan 'Yi Sun-shin embraces warmth!', the festival featured various local specialty products, historic events and traditional culture. The Going to War Ceremony of Admiral Yi Sun-shin and a large-scale parade involving local residents on the first day of the festival was hugely applauded by the viewers.


'Young Yi Sun-shin Dreams of Being a Naval Commander', a play on the life of the historic figure, which was first staged this year, received positive appraisal as unique and meaningful.

Various accompanying events, including a performance by the 428 grand choir which brought together citizens and community leaders, 'Go Wild with Hot Spring Water' and 'Answer Questions on Yi Sun-shin' added to the fun of the festival.

Meanwhile, an MOU has been signed with the Tourism Office of Nanning City, China on April 28, with an aim to transform the festival into a cross-national event. It is unprecedented to have China engage in what celebrates the hero of Korea. The 53rd Seong-ung Yi Sun-shin Festival next year is expected to be an international event, with much more visitors from home and abroad.
Yi Sun-shin Festival online at
(www.culture.asan.go.kr) or by telephone (+82-41-534-2634).


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