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“Baekje Cultural Festival” advertised to the world in Vietnam

Attention focused on operation of Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Hall at Ho Chi Minh City-Gyeongju Expo

2017.12.13(수) 10:32:25 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

Ho Chi Minh City-Gyeongju Expo held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

▲ Ho Chi Minh City-Gyeongju Expo held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Committee attended the “Ho Chi Minh City-Gyeongju World Culture Expo” held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam from November 11th to December 3rd to promote the Baekje Cultural Festival, one of Korea’s leading historical and cultural tour festival, to many around the world.

For 23 days during the “Ho Chi Minh City-Gyeongju Expo,” the promotion committee operated the “Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Hall”, which has been designed with the Baekje Cultural Festival and Baekje Historic Areas as main themes, in the Korean Culture Zone of September 23 Park in Ho Chi Minh City.

The promotion hall received a lot of interest from Vietnamese locals and people around the world who attended the event.

Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Hall was established and has been in operation as a part of the business agreement signed between the Baekje Cultural Festival Promotion Committee and Culture Expo on June 26th with hopes to showcase Korean culture to the world.

To raise the interests of local Vietnamese people and foreign tourists and to help their understanding of the Baekje culture and Baekje Historic Areas, it offers a variety of events.

The event also promoted Chungcheongnam-do’s tour resources, such as diverse things to see, eat, enjoy and stay in the province, Gongju and Buyeo.

Many tourists paid attention to Baekje Historic Areas and the history and culture of Baekje, a nation that fostered an independent, sophisticated culture that was propagated to Japan and Southeast Asia and, thus, made a significant contribution to the formation of the ancient East Asian cultural zone and growth of ancient Korean culture.

Based on the traditionality of Baekje, an ancient empire, Baekje Cultural Festival has been held since 1955 in Gongju and Buyeo, an area that used to be the capital of Baekje, and has become one of the nation’s leading historic and cultural tourism festivals for which many tourists have been curious about and expressed positive feedback.

During the event period, representatives from the committee, led by Chairman Choi Jong-ho and Director Seo Hong-sik, delivered leaflets and souvenirs to tourists at the promotion hall and conducted events such as the Baekje costume experience and photo zone, working diligently to promote the Baekje Cultural Festival and Baekje Historic Areas.

Meanwhile, at the Ho Chi Minh City-Gyeongju Expo with the theme of “Common Prosperity in Asia through Cultural Exchange”, more than 30 programs to promote Korean culture were conducted in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, including an official event, performances, exhibits, videos, experiences and events, with about 30 countries in attendance.


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