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Chungnam cultural contents presented to Asia

Participates in China Licensing Expo…6 local companies showcased content including Gomagom

2018.12.14(금) 10:08:12 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

China Licensing Expo

▲ China Licensing Expo

Chungnam Culture Technology Industry Agency (CEO: Kim In-soo) revealed the organization plans to participate in the “China Licensing Expo” together with the Department of Business Commerce & Exchange of Chungcheongnam-do from the upcoming 16th for 3 days, which is to be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre in China.

The largest licensing expo in Asia, China Licensing Expo, features a variety of items from characters, animations and toys to cartoons, games and content solutions.

Last year, 223 companies participated and more than 50,000 buyers attended the event. Coupled with an expo exclusively for pre-schools, kids and toys, the event receives an increasing amount of attention by those in the market.

The Joint Chungnam Contents Hall is constituted of 6 local companies selected through a business contest. Random Box Co., Ltd., Raging Duck Co., Ltd., and WeCreative Co., Ltd. seek entry into the global market through animation, mobile game, etc. of the Gomagom character, which received a special award at the Our Character Awards and has been becoming more and more popular in Korea.

Studio Magician will display character goods and mobile games that have been created based on the animation Return to Space, while Scoop will promote CB LAMA, Moonyang Moomung & Ojal, its B-grade characters that present satirical excitement. Autoro plans to market its content marketing solution, one of which is a paper-utilizing character toy promotion, and Auland art toys.

For the participating businesses to have discussions with several buyers, Chungnam Culture Technology Industry Agency will dispatch not only professional interpreters but also students who belong to the local Namseoul University’s specialized regional youth trade expert development business group in collaboration with the institution, thus assisting market surveys, discovery of and consultation with buyers.

CEO Kim stated, “We will do our best to support the growth of the province’s culture industry and, through follow-up assistance for businesses that attended the China Licensing Expo and participation in a joint booth at Hong Kong Design Inspire in December this year, will continuously strive to diversify sales routes for our region’s cultural content.”


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