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Chungnam’s outstanding farm products increase in exports.

2020.01.03(금) 14:29:34 | CNnews (이메일주소:chungnamdo@korea.kr

‘Yesan Hwangto Apples’ popular in Vietnam and Russia
Nutritional ‘Cheongyang Chestnuts’ exported to the USA and Japan
‘Dangjin Rice & Onions’ popular in overseas markets
4,500 tons of ‘Cheonan Pears’ to be shipped by year-end

This year, Chungnam increased its exports of agricultural products considerably. With the shipping of 20 tons for Russia in September, a total of 80 tons of Yesan Hwangto Apples have been shipped overseas. The figure includes exports to Vietnam including 21 tons in apples and 4 tons in apple juice. Yesan Hwangto (yellow soil) apples are sold largely in Vladivostok, Russia and Hanoi, Vietnam. The apples are also popular in other countries including Taiwan and the USA.
Cheongyang chestnuts are shipped to the US and Japan. On October 4th, Jeongsan Agricultural Cooperative (CEO Kim Bong-rak) shipped 62 tons of chestnuts (worth over 120 million won) for the markets from its export complex located in Jangpyeong-myeon.
The Dangjin area has also been active in exporting its farm products.
Woogang Co-op (CEO Kim Young-gu) shipped 10 tons of Dangjin rice in February and another 15 tons last month to Australia. Misomi (CEO Lee Tae-ho) exported a total of 40 tons of Dangjin rice to Singapore and Mongolia in the first half of this year and another 10 tons and 6 tons to Singapore and Dubai, respectively, on September 8th. As of October 8th, a total of 81 tons of Dangjin rice were shipped overseas in 2019.
405 tons of Dangjin onions, including 24 tons for Vietnam on October 9th, have been exported this year to Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Russia. It was the results of active efforts by all the stakeholders to find an exit from falling onion prices in Korea.
Cheonan Geobong grapes are shipped to Australia, the USA and Canada. This year a total of 40 tons of grapes including Cheonan Geobong and Campbell grapes have been exported to these advanced markets.
‘Haneul Green Pear,’ the recipient of the Republic of Korea Consumer Favorite Brand Award 2019, is set to be exported to 20 foreign countries including the USA. The amount for a total of 4,500 tons of pears is estimated to reach USD15 million by the end of the year. The Cheonan Pear Export Complex has been expanding its overseas markets to North America, Europe and Southeast Asia since its first shipment of pears to the US market in 1986.

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